Hello, welcome to Just-A-Code

What do we do?

My motto is to make websites to help people. My goal is to make these sites so they can become popular and people can use them for there need.
Our Slogan is to make anything For The Greater Good.

Here are my websites I have made till date

ViZo is a website used for sharing and uploading videos! You can share your Youtube/Vimeo link. You even can upload your own .mp4 video file. So why not start using it? To visit:


Just-A-Code Blogs is a website where you can blog about anything, Travel, Codin, Music, Art, etc. You can add images and nice font styles to your blog! To visit:

Just-A-Code Blogs

KodeLikeCrazy also knows as Just-A-Code Learning is a new website made to teach coding for beginners. In this website we teach you these languages as simple as possible. We only HTML course, but more will be comming soon! To visit:


Just-A-Code Music is a site where you can download Premium quality music by NCS. You can listen to many songs there and pick which music you want to download. We made this site so people can download music without having to log in or register a new account. To visit:

Just-A-Code Music

About Me:

Hello, I am the founder of Just-A-Code. I like to code in my free time. Coding is like a hobby and I learn many things using diffrent programming languages, and using those languages I made this website.

Donate to us

If you donate to me I want to thank you so much. I will make a table where I will give shoutout to people who donate to me.

Credit to Pexel for background image

Just-A-Code Products © 2020

All rights reserved.